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Building a Custom Player

Sometimes you might want to build a custom video player for your application to match your brand's design or add specific features. The Video component provided by reactjs-media is built in a modular way, making it easy to customize and extend.

The Video Player is divided into a number of components and hooks that you can use to build your custom player. These help you implement your own UI but while retaining all functionalities. These Include:

  • VideoProvider: The root component that provides the context for the video player.
  • VideoControls: A component containing the controls that can be used to control the video player.
  • useControls: A hook that returns the methods to control the video player, such as play, pause, togglePlay, seek, setVolume, toggleMute, toggleFullScreen, etc.
  • VideoElement: A component that wraps the HTML5 video element and provides the state and methods to control the video player.
  • ContextMenu: A component that provides a context menu for the video player.
  • VideoPoster: A component that displays the poster image before the video starts playing.

The functionality on this page was added in version v3.0.4. So this article assumes you are using this version or later.

Getting started

We shall start with a simple example of a custom video player. That will reproduce the default player provided by the library.

import { VideoProvider, VideoControls, VideoElement, VideoPoster } from "reactjs-media";

const CustomVideo = (props) => {
return (
<VideoProvider {...props}>
<VideoElement src={props.src} controls={false} />
{props.controls && <VideoControls />}
<VideoPoster src={props.poster} />
<ContextMenu />

In the example above, we create a custom video player component called CustomVideo. We use the VideoProvider component to provide the context for the video player. We then render the VideoElement component with the video source and disable the default controls. We conditionally render the VideoControls component based on the controls prop. We also render the VideoPoster component with the poster image. Finally, we render the ContextMenu component to provide a context menu for the video player.


The VideoProvider and VideoElement component are required to provide the context for the video player. It should wrap all the components that need access to the video player state and methods.

Creating custom controls

You can create your own custom controlls UI if the defaulf doesn't match your design. You can use the useControls hook to get the methods to control the video player and build your own UI.

import { useControls } from "reactjs-media";

const CustomControls = () => {
const { play, pause, togglePlay, seek, setVolume, toggleMute, toggleFullScreen } = useControls();

return (
<button onClick={play}>Play</button>
<button onClick={pause}>Pause</button>
<button onClick={togglePlay}>Toggle Play</button>
<button onClick={() => seek(10)}>Seek 10s</button>
<button onClick={() => setVolume(0.5)}>Set Volume 50%</button>
<button onClick={toggleMute}>Toggle Mute</button>
<button onClick={toggleFullScreen}>Toggle FullScreen</button>

const CustomVideo = (props) => {
return (
<VideoProvider {...props}>
<VideoElement src={props.src} controls={false} />
<CustomControls />
<VideoPoster src={props.poster} />
<ContextMenu />

In the example above, we create a custom controls component called CustomControls. We use the useControls hook to get the methods to control the video player. We then create buttons that call the different methods on the video player when clicked. We then render the CustomControls component inside the CustomVideo component.

The Context Menu

Customizing the context menu can be done in two ways. You can either pass an array of ContextMenuItem objects to the Video component as the contextMenuItems prop or create your own context menu component.

Using contextMenuItems

You can pass an array of ContextMenuItem objects to the Video component as the contextMenuItems prop. Each ContextMenuItem object should have a label and an onClick function.

import { Video } from "reactjs-media";
import {FaRocket, FaFire} from 'react-icons/fa';

const App = () => {
const contextMenuItems = [
label: "Custom Item 1",
onClick: () => alert("Custom Item 1 clicked"),
icon: "FaRocket",
label: "Custom Item 2",
onClick: () => alert("Custom Item 2 clicked"),
icon: "FaFire",

return (

In the example above, we create an array of ContextMenuItem objects called contextMenuItems. Each object has a label and an onClick function. We then pass this array to the Video component as the contextMenuItems prop.

Creating a custom context menu

You can also create your own context menu component and render it inside the VideoProvider component. You can use the useControls hook to get the methods to control the video player. Here is an example of a custom context menu component:

import { useControls } from "reactjs-media";
import {FaRocket, FaFire} from 'react-icons/fa';
import { ContextMenu, Video } from "reactjs-media";
import { VideoProvider, VideoControls, VideoElement, VideoPoster } from "reactjs-media";

const CustomContextMenu = ({contextMenuItems}) => {
const { togglePlay, toggleMute, toggleFullScreen } = useControls();

return (
{, index) => (
<div key={index} onClick={item.onClick}>

const CustomVideo = (props) => {
return (
<VideoProvider {...props}>
<VideoElement src={props.src} controls={false} />
<VideoControls />
<VideoPoster src={props.poster} />
renderCustomMenu={(contextMenuItems) => <CustomContextMenu contextMenuItems={contextMenuItems} />}

In the example above, we create a custom context menu component called CustomContextMenu. We use the useControls hook to get the methods to control the video player. We then render the context menu items passed as props. We then render the CustomContextMenu component inside the CustomVideo component.


Even with a custom context menu, you can still have to set contextMenu prop to true in the VideoProvider component for it to be displayed.


Congs!! You can now build your own Video player for your React App Just like A Pro, Building a custom video player with reactjs-media is easy and flexible. You can customize the player UI, controls, and context menu to match your application's design and requirements. You can also extend the player functionalities by using the provided hooks and components.

Learn more about the available components, hooks, and types in the API reference. In the Next Section

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