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API Reference

Reactjs Media provides a set of components and simple API to create a customizable media player for your application.

This page contains the API reference for the components, functions, and types provided by the reactjs-media package.



Video: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<VideoProps & react.RefAttributes<any>> - It is a default customizable video player component that can be used to play videos in your application.


VideoControls: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<VideoControlsProps & react.RefAttributes<any>> - It is a component containing the controls that can be used to control the video player.


VideoContext: React.Context<VideoCTX> - It is a context that provides the state and methods to control the video player.


VideoElement: JSX.Element - It is a component that wraps the HTML5 video element and provides the state and methods to control the video player.



useControls() - This hook returns the methods to control the video player, such as play, pause, togglePlay, seek, setVolume, toggleMute, toggleFullScreen, etc.

const { play, pause, togglePlay, seek, setVolume, toggleMute, toggleFullScreen } = useControls();



VideoProps - It is an interface that defines the props accepted by the Video component.

interface VideoProps {
controls?: boolean;
src: string;
height: string | number;
width: string | number;
poster: string;
contextMenu?: boolean;
contextMenuItems?: Array<ContextMenuItem>;
onTimeUpdate?: (time: number) => void;
onPlay?: () => void;
onPause?: () => void;
onEnded?: () => void;
onVolumeChange?: (volume: number) => void;
onSeeking?: () => void;
onSeeked?: () => void;
onLoadedMetadata?: () => void;
onLoadedData?: () => void;
onCanPlay?: () => void;


VideoPlayerRef - It used to define the ref for the Video component. This ref can be used to access the methods to control the video player.

type VideoPlayerRef = {
play: () => void;
pause: () => void;
seek: (time: number) => void;
volume: (volume: number) => void;
playbackRate: (rate: number) => void;
toggleFullscreen: () => void;
togglePip: () => void;
toggleMute: () => void;
togglePlay: () => void;
setLoop: (loop: boolean) => void;

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